Come Follow Me: New Testament
We Are Responsible for Our Own Learning download - New Testament Bundle 1
- Storytelling Figures
- Prints and Handouts
- Teaching tips, activities, and games
Includes the following downloadable packets:
- Invitation to "Come Follow Me" - NT Packet 1.1
- How to Learn From the Savior - NT Packet 1.2
- Parable of the 10 Virgins - NT Packet 1.3
- Nurture My Own Testimony - NT Packet 1.4
- What Should I Do When I Have Questions? - NT Packet 1.5
- Parable of the Sower - NT Packet 1.6
- Family Council: Week at a Glance Planner - NT Packet 1.7
- More Like the Savior - NT Packet 1.8
- Scripture Verse Art - NT Packet 1.9
How to Learn From the Savior download
Use as a visual to teach how we can learn from the Savior.
Also includes “four to a page” version for use as a handout.
Tip: Consider having a space in your home dedicated to your Home Gospel Learning. A wall with a bulletin board, white board, inspirational artwork along with a small table or credenza for keeping your Home Gospel Learning Materials can make a nice Gospel Learning Center. Pages like the following could be placed in a frame on your credenza, or pinned onto your bulletin board. You could include baskets for scriptures, containers for pencils and crayons, and elements of your lessons, cut out and laminated for your children to play with during the week.
Parable of the 10 Virgins New Testament
Print off the oil vessel and the drops of oil. Cut out the oil drops. Have family members write what they can do to fill their vessels with oil. Glue the drops around the vessel. Display the completed page in your home to remind you to fill your vessel.
Tip: Consider having a magnetic white board in your Home Gospel Learning Center. For this lesson, the oil lamp can be cut out and attached with a magnet to your board. Each drop of oil then can be added to the board. The oil-drop display can remain on the whiteboard with other elements of your lesson as a visual reminder of your lesson throughout the week. (A larger version of the oil vessel is included for that purpose.)
Primary Music Time Tip: Print off the larger version of the oil vessel and the larger versions of the oil drops. Write the songs for the day on the oil drops and hide them throughout the Primary room for the children to find. Consider how each song tells us one way we can add oil to our vessels.
Parable of the Sower -New Testament
Figures for storytelling and coloring sheet. A full color and a black and white line drawing option are included.
Tip: Print onto cardstock or laminate for durability. These figures can be kept in your file for repeated use in FHE or Primary callings. Use your whiteboard/magnet board to display the figures throughout the week to remind your family of the parable. You may want to allow your children to play with the figures through the week. Allowing your children to handle the figures numerous times will help internalize the parable and encourage deep thinking.
Tip: If time is short, don’t cut around detail. A rectangle piece of paper with a picture on it works too.
Tip: One way to tell this story is to tape each of the seeds onto a popsicle stick. Then tape the other elements on the floor or along the wall representing a journey the seeds are taking. First, the seeds are with the sower, then to the birds, then stony places and finally good ground. Your children can take their popsicle seed and walk along the path, acting out the story.
More Like the Savior
Search and find game cards: search for ways to be more like the Savior.
Print and cut out the cards. Hide them around the room. Have the family “Search and Find” the cards and then use the picture to share a way to become more like the Savior. You can also print off two sets and play a “Be like the Savior” memory game.
Tip: The pictures on the cards are representations of things the Savior did in the New Testament. However, the picture is only meant to give an idea to the person who finds it of a way to be like the Savior. They may not even understand the connection. For example, the bread and water can represent that when someone is hungry, we can give them bread and water. Someone else may say that Christ is the bread of life and the Living water, he feeds our soul, and we can feed the souls of others through ministering.Someone else may say “I can be like the Savior by being reverent during Sacrament meeting.” There is no right answer, only right feelings.
Scripture Verse Art -Galatians 5:22-23
Galatians 5:22-23
Tip: Consider having a place at your Gospel Home Study center for
a focus scripture. It could change weekly, monthly or even yearly
depending on your family.
New Testament Bundle 2: Matthew 1-3, Mark 1, Luke 1-3, John 1 (Download)
Storytelling Figures
Prints and Handouts
Teaching tips, activities, and games
Includes 15 packets in one downloadable PDF:
- "With God, Nothing Shall be Impossible" Scripture Art - NT Packet 2.1
- "Some Blessings Come Soon" Quote - NT Packet 2.2
- Family of Jesus - NT Packet 2.3
- God's Blessings Come in His Own Time - NT Packet 2.4
- Gifts for Jesus - NT Packet 2.5
- Interactions With the Savior - NT Packet 2.6
- Doing Father's Business - NT Packet 2.7
- Just Like Jesus, I Am Growing Too! - NT Packet 2.8
- Light Visuals - NT Packet 2.9
- "Thou Shalt See Greater Things Than These" - NT Packet 2.10
- "Come and See" Poster - NT Packet 2.11
- Impressions and Actions - NT Packet 2.12
- Prepare to Receive Christ - NT Packet 2.13
- To Fulfill All Righteousness - NT Packet 2.14
- Cleansing Characteristics of Fire - NT Packet 2.15
"With God, Nothing Shall Be Impossible" Scripture art Luke 1:37-38
This packet is included in New Testament Bundle 2
January 7-13 Packet 2.1 Matthew 1; Luke 1
Scripture art, Luke 1:37-38:This packet includes several versions of this scripture. Print off a copy and display it in your Gospel Home Study center.
Tip: Your children may be encourage to memorize Luke 1:37 in primary this week.
Tip: Print off the smaller copies to place on a mirror, next to a bed, or on the dash of your car to aid in memorizing the scripture.
Tip: You may come across scripture art or quotes that you wish to quickly display. Consider hanging a clip board on a wall where weekly scriptures and quotes can be quickly changed out.
Tip: If you are particularly inspired by a certain scripture art or quote, you may want to frame it where you can reflect on it often. An 8x10 is included for this purpose.
"Some Blessings Come Soon" Quote Jeffry R Holland
Jeffrey R Holland Quote: "Some blessings come soon, some come late, and some don't come until heaven, but for those who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ, they come."
This packet includes several versions of this quote. Print off a copy and display it in your Gospel Home Study center.
Tip: Fill your scriptures with tactile mementos and connections to your Gospel study. When you come across a verse that stands out to you, you can draw attention to it by slipping a quote, picture, ribbon, sticker or even a pressed flower on that page. A small piece of paper can be tucked carefully into the binding of your scriptures reminding you of further insight. Thumbing through your scriptures and coming across these personal mementos can bring a flood of sweet memories of promptings you’ve been given. A mini version of this quote by Jeffery R Holland is included in this packet for that purpose.
Tip: Also included is an 8x10 version for framing.
Family of Jesus Story Figures - Matthew 1:1-7
Matthew 1:1-7
The Family of Jesus: Use these figures to discuss Jesus’s family.
Tip: Consider how Jesus’s family is like yours. He had cousins, a mom, a father, who could not be with him while he was on earth. He had Mary’s husband, who raised Jesus as his own son. We know he had brothers, and sisters. He also had past ancestors (as noted in his genealogy listed in Matthew.) How do you think their family acted around each other? Do you think Jesus, as a child, had chores, ran races, laughed or even at times cried? We know once he grew, he loved children, “Let them come unto me.” He must have been a great older brother! Guess what. He is your older brother too!
"God's Blessings Come in His Own Time"
Visuals to help explain waiting. Use these visuals to help younger children understand the importance of waiting.
- Window showing rain: It can take a long time for a storm to end when you want to go outside to play.
- Birthday cake: Sometimes waiting for a birthday party or a special treat can take a long time.
- Puppy: A puppy can take a long time to become a dog.
- A sapling can take many years to become a big tree.
- Elizabeth and Zacharias, in the New Testament waited longer than all of these to have their own baby.
Gifts for Jesus Luke 2, Matthew 2 Christ's Birth
Luke 2 and Matthew 2
Stars and Presents. Stars and gifts to add active movement to your lesson.
Tip: Children, (and many teens and adults) learn through movement. Your family will be more engaged in your lessons if you can find a way to incorporate movement in them.
Tip: Cut out the star. Tape it to a stick. The wise men followed the star to find Jesus so they could give Him their gifts. Play a game of “Follow the Star” (follow the leader) with the leader raising the star up high while marching, skipping, hopping around the house.
Tip: What gift can we give Jesus? Rather than following a star to give our gift, our gift to Jesus is following His example. (Place a picture of Jesus on the star and then place the star on a jar. Use the suggestion in the manual on page 12 “Luke 2:40”) to finish out this lesson.
Tip: Secret acts of service are fun ways of following Jesus. Consider using the smaller stars included in this packet as tokens of acts of service. A family member can perform an anonymous act of service, then place a star by their service. For example: on a made bed, next to washed dishes, with a treat on a pillow.
Tip: Cut out a bunch of gifts. As family members make a good choice during the week, they can place a gift on your fridge, bulletin board or in a basket representing a gift given to Jesus. If they want, they can write what the gift was. Or perhaps the gift was a choice to not fall into temptation so the gift is something not done. At next week’s family home evening, count the gifts that were given, perhaps allowing family members to discuss how they felt giving their gifts to Jesus.
Stories of Christ